Friday, 9 July 2010

Settled in!

So all moved back in now, got set up, internet and back on the painting horse. Still a member of the unemployed, so unless the interview on monday goes well i won't be funding either of my hobbies for a while i think.

So here something i did earlier...

The first of my 2 Forgeworld Nightwings and the base of it. The base is a resin base from Iron Halo, a top notch company I would recommend...need to buy more for some of my other stuff.

Flyer is sprayed but still not painted, but the base is now painted, to match the rest of my bases (ruined city scape). Flyer is next thing on my list!

In other news I'm heartily considering starting a Fantasy army, probably high elves (i love me point ears). This is promoted by having a nice idea for a very different paint scheme on them (have to wait and see if it works). Just have to wait and see. If Dark Eldar get an announcement at Gamesday (and I eventually find someone willing to employ me) then fantasy might hit the back burner for a little longer.

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