Tuesday, 3 August 2010

42 day challenge

In 42 days the biggest game of the year comes out. Well for me at least. That is Halo Reach. I'd imaginge once that comes out just about every waking second will be spent on it. So I'm starting my challenge to achieve everything I can in that time frame. Bar a few days at me ladies parents for their anniversary and then a few for her birthday I have plenty of time (unless I find a job real quick). So I challenge myself to see how much i can achieve.

By September 13th i aim to have completed...

1 Nightwing
1 Guardian Squad
All my Dire Avengers
Last Fireprism
My Squad of Fire Warriors
2 XV8 Suits
1 Broadside
1 Devilfish
And have all my outstanding Forge World models built, cleaned and maybe sprayed.

Also want to finish Dirt 2, Split Second and Splinter Cell Conviction in that time.

Having goals keeps me busy!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I seen on BOLS that you're from Southampton. Ditto. Any clubs or places to play around?
