Monday 7 January 2013

Dark Heresy - A Techpriests Log

So i've recently been lucky enough to get to play some Dark Heresy with some friends. And so far we are off to a flying start! Its my first real role play experience, bar a session or two of DeathWatch (which is a bit boring IMO).

Novus Xanthis, a tech priest from a Forgeworld is forging (no pun intended) into the Calixus sector, in the company of 2 assassins, a scum, a pysker, a guardsmen and an Arbite. We did have an Adept but he got throughly deadified at the hands of the end boss of our campaign (16 on the critical table....yeah hes dead), so not sure what new character hes drawing up.

I won't post too many plot points as that could ruin the experience for anyone playing the same campaign in the future (it is from one of the books), but some high points so far involve;

- A Sniper who fails every fear test and has spent more time throwing up than shooting
- The big boss catching a double barrell of a shotgun in his face and getting blown through the stained glass window of a church
- A shootout in a crowded marketplace. A bad roll from the guardsman means his shotgun misses and kills 6 innocents. 6 corruption points in 2 seconds....
- An impossible room with a hard fear test. 2 players fail epicly and get 10 insanity points each in one roll
- Being assulted in our beds. And only 1 member out of 7 actually waking up for the first few turns of combat, and then the rest of us fumbling round in the dark to kit up.

Very much enjoying the campaign. Might even get paid soon and buy my first mechandrite.

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