Friday, 6 July 2012

Pre-Holiday Thoughts on Wreckage and 6th ed games

Off on Holiday! 2 weeks of sun (and DisneyLand)! Really need this time off

Pictures are of my last project before I go away. Crashed valk to bulk up on the scenery.

Had a game or 2 of 6th now. I enjoy a lot of it, but to me its not a hugely different game. I've always been a shooty person in games, not a stabby. I've never abused wound allocations, so no change there. So a lot of changes don't have a huge bearing on me

I do like the new powers choices, and have found them to be really effective. Things like guiding Pathfinders that ignore cover, or a unit that gets assaulted by a monstrous creature getting an Invulnerable to slow it down massively.

See you all in 2 weeks! Got my first 6th ed tournement a week after I get back, so got that to look forward to!

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