Thursday, 28 June 2012

6th Ed - Physic Powers

Recently I listed a few things that the success of 6th ed rested on with me. One of them was Physic powers. We now know what they are (my post with the on BoLS lounge here)

I want to talk about the 2 I will have access to - Divination and Telepathy (none for DE or Tau, and likely allies at this point on top are Orks...also none)

At this point these seem the natural evolution of Eldar powers. Not so much direct at the enemy, but acting as a force multiplier to make your units better than their whole.

1) Primary target unit rerolls failed hits - Guide as it is in the Eldar codex. Great power, might be the "signiture spell" of this discipline guarenteeing you can always have it.
2) Psyker and unit gain counter attack and get full BS for overwatch - Full overwatch BS is best here. Even just with pistols and the couter attack (assuming no major changes) can allow you to bounce back against an Assault 
3) Target unit gain 4++ - Great for tough units that attract lots of firepower (wraithguard anyone?)
4) Target unit must reroll passed armor saves - With the loss of AP2 CCW this could be great combined with weight of fire to kill a unit - Particular terminators
5) Psyker and unit ignore cover - I assume this means for the purposes of shooting. Could be good against fast units, anything buried in cover. So if your enemy brings an Aegis Line, consider it
6) Psyker rerolls failed failed hits, wounds and armor saves - Fortune+++. Rerolling saves and all hits and wounds? Seeing as most pyskers in the eldar dex wound on 2's that not so good. But we don't get many attacks, so can make sure more hit. Cast this on yourself then call a challenge...should be able to put up a fighting chance...assuming hes not in Termy armour 
7) Psyker roll 3 dicechoose the result you want when rolling for reserves, outflank and mysterious terrain - Almost always guarentee you get all your reserves when you want them, on the edge you want AND don't get stung too much by terrain. Does this mean when the pysker enters terrain or any of your units?

1) 3d6 - target leadership wounds to target unit - don't really understand this. assume it means a set number of shots, using the targets Ld to wound?
2) Target unit has to make leadership roll or do nothing - Just sounds like a pinning test
3) Target freindly stops falling back and gets fearless - Helps guardians without an Avatar
4 ) Hostile model makes an attack as if it owned by psyker - I assume this means shooting attacks. Use that melta gun to toast their vehicles....depending on range
5) Target hostile losses fearless and treats all units as fear causing -Take that demons. And forcing Ork hordes to run!
6) Invisibility gains shrouding and stealth, hostiles charged by this unit lose counter attack and fight at WS 1 - Get your assault units there safe (+2 cover save) and make them hit even harder 
7) Enemy unit roll on table 1-2 unit pinned, 3-4 cannot run, shoot or stirke blows 5-6 attack own unit - Getting GK to attack their own units? Can probably kill half a unit a time with this...

Want a unit really dead? Take 2 Farseers. One with Divination, one with codex powers. How long will a unit thats been doomed, forced to re-roll succesful save and being shot at by a unit thats guided going to last? Rerolling hits, wounds and succesful armour saves  *evil grin*

Full BS for overwatch and Counter attack on a unit of Wraithguard, with Invisibility cast on them. 2+ cover in area terrain or ruins, with full BS on their AP2 guns and counterattack.....

1 comment:

  1. The 2 farseer plan seems like overkill, but I like the way you think... why not go really overboard and make sure that the shooting unit in question is a squadron of war walkers with scatter lasers...
