Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Updates will now resume

Trying to post more...but can be hard to think of something to say! Most my opinions seem to come out on the BOLS forum - Always recommended looking in there! Anyways. Wraithlord Number 6!
Since this was taken I've tidied the knees up a lot. Hoping to get him sprayed soon, but as anyone else in fair Britania knows....its a bit wet out there, and since moving I don't have a sheltered outdoor place to spray anymore. So got to wait for it to dry up a bit So spending my time on other things. All these new flier rumours ahve got my ass in gear to start painting one of my two Razorwing fighters. So far its just based, still trying to work out a marking for it to break up the nice flat areas, like the "tribal" art in the DE book. Have had it suggested to try a Wych pin up girl on the side, but think thats out of my reach...

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