Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Thoughts on Eldar List coming into 6th...

This is the list i posted a little while ago. Its been good and fun. But with some of the 6th ed rumours....i'm thinking of some changes.

HQBel-Annoth - Named Farseer in IA11 (gives me 4 Heavy Slots!)
Wraithseer with Star Cannon

8 Dire Avengers in Wave Serpent, Twin Linked Lances
6 Dire Avengers in Wave Serpent, Twin Linked Lances
5 Dire Avengers (this might squad, or rangers maybe)

3 Wraithguard

Fast Attack
1 Hornet, 2 Scatter lasers
1 Hornet, 2 Scatter lasers
1 Hornet, 2 Scatter lasers

Heavy Support
1 Warp Hunter, Holofields
1 Warp Hunter, Holofields
1 Wraithlord, Lance
1 Wraithlord, Lance and Wraithsword

Now anything i talk about below are hypotheticals and i'd need to check the points and stuff later (after the rules are known in full as well)

Drop 1 Warp Hunter and lose the Holofields on the other (unless the FAQ makes them useful)
Add Another Wraithlord :D
Lose the Small Avengers squad, and one of the Wave Serpents
Replace with Pathfinders
Sqn up 2 of the hornets, free up a fast slot
Add in a Night Spinner into that fast slot

Reasonings - Vehicles are dead. Not entirely, but Av12 is not going to be very good any more, and I think T8 MC's will be, now they also get impact hits (only one....but still free attack!). Chances are new Wraith will feature lance and scatter laser. army with 4 Wraithlords? Mean!

Pathfinders can still find 2+ cover in ruins, and the addition of 6's being nominatable wounds on top of Pathfinders ability to make them AP1....with the decrease in cover, this could be great for picking out missile launchers and melta guns.

The Nightspinner keeps the anti horde blasts I lose from dropping a Warp Hunter. It also slows down units with its difficult terrain and dangerous tests.

Massed scatter lasers might be able to handle most fliers, but massed guard fliers will hurt.

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